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Vannilo is an investment company that offers a private and flexible financing alternative in the national market.

Some of the characteristics that differentiate Vannilo are these:

  • Diversification: just as it diversifies with the rest of the suppliers, it is important to do so with the sources of financing. Vannilo is one more alternative, being compatible with other financial providers.
  • Flexibility: every company and every situation is different. Vannilo’s capital is flexible and allows structuring a wide variety of instruments to adapt each investment to the needs of companies, their shareholders and financial institutions.
  • Agility: Vannilo has a flat decision structure that allows it to respond quickly and transparently, in order to avoid losing business opportunities.
  • Independence: Vannilo is an independent entity whose capital is private, therefore it does not consume CIRBE as it is not necessary to publish said information to the market.

CIRBE is the Risk Information Center of the Bank of Spain. We are all listed in the Bank of Spain with the credits we have with the financial system in excess of € 6,000. Banks ask the CIRBE to know the amount of debts we have and thus be able to assess whether or not they lend us more money.

Through the Vannilo website  you can request the feasibility study for free and without obligation.

The steps to obtain financing through Vannilo are as follows:

  • We contact you, you provide the documentation to study your operation, it is analyzed and once its viability is approved, the conditions of the required financing are set.
  • If the conditions convince you, it is formalized and you receive the money in your bank account.
  • From that moment, in the case of obtaining a loan, you will be charged the monthly installments through a SEPA debit.

The conditions vary from one project to another and it is necessary for Vannilo to analyze your case to offer you the best conditions.

We invite you to tell us about your case at no cost or commitment and learn about yours.

We simplify the processes so that you get financing faster.

You won’t have to buy any additional product or service like insurance, pension plans, cards,etc …, what we want is for you to get the best financing, nothing more.

The application and the study are completely free.

In case of obtaining a loan, you can repay your loan in advance partially or totally without expenses or commissions.

In the conditions that are initially agreed and without early amortization expenses.

In loans, monthly installments are normally established that Vannilo is responsible for collecting by means of a SEPA B2B debit to the bank account of your choice. This monthly installment contains the payment of interest, leaving the amortization of the capital until the end of the loan term.

As for the loans, Vannilo takes care of making the corresponding retention, so you don’t have to do anything about it.

Do you need financing?

We advise you without obligation and for free


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